- Quien es un heroe para ti?
- Por que?
- Quien es la persona que tiene mas influencia en Argentina?
- Como son los lideres de Argentina?
Melissa Fryer
- Cual es tu definicion de un Heroe?
- Quien es un Heroe popular en Argentina?
- Tu eres un Heroe de otra persona?
- Shama Gupta
1. Tienes un heroe en su vida?
2. Para ti, quien es un heroe?
3. En Argentina, tuve un heroe nacional?
- David Borsack
1. que cosas son importantes para un heroe?
2. que es lo mas importante para un heroe?
3. como es tu heroe favorito y porque?
-Rebecca Lewinson
1) Siempre conoces a tus heroe?
2) Es un heroe una persona que es famosa o rico?
3) Para ser considerado un heroe, esa persona nececita tener un efecto sobre la vida de otra persona (la persona que piensa que eso persona es un heroe) directamente?
-Jillian Borrow
¿Quién es tu héroe?
¿Qué tipos de características buscas en un héroe?
¿Quién es tu ídolo?
¿Admiras a las personas de la película “La Noche de Las Lápices?”
-Ciara Schoenauer
1. ¿Piensas que hay una cualidad en comun que todos heroes necesitan tener?
2. ¿Que le dirias a tu heroe se tuvieras la opourtunidad de hablar con el o ella?
3. ¿Es posible para una persona ser un heroe para todas los personas del mundo?
¿Por que si o por que no?
-Lindsey Kim
1.¿Quien es tu heroe?
2.¿Tienes un Heroe en tu vida que te ayuda con tus problemas?
3.¿Que es un heroe para ti?
-Sharan Sahi
1. ¿Quien es un heroe para ti?
2. ¿Cuales piensas que son las cualidades de un lider?
3. ¿Quien es un heroe popular en tu pais?
-Katie Calder
1. ¿Es un heroe, un heroe para todos?
2. ¿Tienes diferentes opiniones de heroes con tus amigos?
3. ¿Que tipo de heroe es mas popular?
-Alexandra Werth
1) ¿Cual piensas que es la acción más heroica?
2) ¿Necesitas hacer un sacrificio para ser un héroe?
3) ¿Piensas que los héroes mitológicos son importantes? ¿Por qué?
-Maura McLaughlin
1.) ¿Quien es tu heroe? ¿Por que?
2.) ¿Piensas que una persona puede ser un idolo, heroe, y lider? O solamente uno?
3.) ¿Piensas que los bomberos son heroes?
-Andrew Bliach
1) ¿Tu heroe cambio de cuando tu eras niño hasta ahora? ¿Porque?
2) Los heroes de las personas de la sociedad en tu país, los heroes de Argentina, ¿son los mismos que los heroes de estudiantes como tu y tus amigos?
3) La lider de argentina ¿es un heroe para tí? ¿Porque si o no? ¿Quien es tu heroe personal y porque?
Andres Szmetan 6º GT"b" ORT Argentina
ResponderEliminarun heroe es aquel que realiza actos heroicos, que generan admiracion hacia su persona. Ya sea salvando a una persona de la muerte, realizando actos beneficos, actos deportivos inigualables o cualquier otro ejemplo de grandeza. Es aquel que ayuda, que hace cosas sin tener un beneficio propio en ese acto, solo pensando en el otro.
Otro tipo de heroe es aquel que genera fanatismo en la gente. La gente lo quiere, lo aclama, sigue sus pasos.
Un heroe no es perfecto, comete errores como todo ser humano.
Un heroe en la Argentina podria ser Diego Armando Maradona. Que jugando al futbol se gano el amor de todos los argentinos, a pesar de su vida privada, en la cual ha realizado actos no debidos.
Yo no soy un heroe de otra persona. Heroe es una palabra muy grande para cualquiera de nosotros, al solo tener 17 años,y no haber realizado ningun acto de tal magnitud.
Andres Szmetan 6º GT B ORT Argentina
Un heroe popular en la Argentina
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ResponderEliminarMelissa, answering to your questions I believe that a hero is first of all a person with all the qualities that this imply. Then we can consider a hero as someone who despite being afraid, dares to complain about a system or an idea that he or she thinks that is wrong or non beneficial for society. He/she must always aim to social peace or hapiness and never to personal goals.
ResponderEliminarArgentina, unfortunately does not have lots of people who act like this, and sometimes a popular hero is claimed to be like that only because an oustanding hability to play soccer, for example. Politicians in their role of representants of the people should act more like heroes and try to change things over here.
Most of the honest people, who are not recognised by society are the real heroes.
In response to your 3rd question I really hope i were someone else's hero. I try in my daily life to behave fairly and respecting other people, but maybe this isn't enough. I'm looking foward to making a huge change one day. I think it's only a matter of will.
I hope my answers had been usefull for you. Excuse my grammar mistakes please
We keep in touch!
Nayla Attas ORT Argentina 6to GB
Melissa, a hero is admired by everybody and is considered to be the best on the world
ResponderEliminarA hero supposed to have done something that the rest of the world think is incredible.
In my opinion, a popular hero on Argentina is someone related with the history, like Manuel Belgrano who created the flag and was a member of the "primera junta de gobierno"
I'm nobody's hero, i'm too young and hero is such a big word for a girl my age. I can't imagine a true hero calling himself a hero. In my mind, there's no possible way a true hero could be that arrogant
Laura Gewerc 6to A ORT Argentina
ResponderEliminarNow I will tell you the samen thing I said in the other comment I have done, but in english, for you to understand.
A hero is a person that realizes heroic acts, which generate admiration towards his person. Already be saving a person of the death, realizing charitable acts, sports incomparable acts, being the heroe in a war or any other example of greatness. It is that one that helps, that does things without having an own benefit in this act, only thinking about other one.
Another type of hero is that one that generates fanaticism in the people. The people want it, acclaim it, follow(continue) his(her,your) steps.
A hero is not perfect, commits mistakes as every human being.
Both prominent figures mas important of the Argentine history, which the Argentinians admire, because they are our heroes, they are Jose de San Martin and Manuel Belgrano.
They were the big prominent figures of the liberation of our country with regard to Spain.
Epic battles led as The " battle of san lorenzo " or the " crossing of the andes " and the creation of our flag, among other things.
Another hero, less important than Belgrano or San Martin, in the Argentina could be Diego Armando Maradona. That playing the football I gain(earn) him(you,them) the love of all the Argentinians, in spite of his(her,your) private life, in which it(he,she) has realized not due acts.
Andres Szmetan 6 GT B ORT ARGENTINA.
Hi Jenna! my name is Bianca Rozental and im going to answer your questions!
ResponderEliminarwell, first of all, my hero is my mom, i admire her,the way she raised me,her personality and the amount of time she works every day.
For me, the person with more influence in the Argentina is the president, althought, most of the people here, HATE her, at the end she is the one who decide everything.
the leaders in Argentina are the historical ones, the ones who invent the argentines flag, the himn, and all the argentine tipical things.
i hope u and your friends understand my english!
congrats because ur spanish is great and very easy to understand!
i hope we keep in touch, continue asking questions!
Bianca Rozental 6TO GB ORT ARGENTINA
Melissa, hi i´m Wendy. how are you?
ResponderEliminarA hero is an idea of a person that includes different characteristics which makes that someone admiress him. Some common ideas are to be good, inteligent, beautiful of good at some sport. Also the heros are usually famous people who are admired by their characteristics and followed, people wants to be like them.
In argentina a popular hero is Maradona for boys and maybe an actress of a soup opera for the girls.
I can be a hero for my little sister and brother, cause they admire me because of my personal characteristics.
Wendy Chernicki 6B ORT ARGENTINA
hi jenna, i am nicole and i would like to answer to your questions...
ResponderEliminara hero for me is sombody who does some activities that implies strength an it has to be very brave and help the people. i find my father as a hero because he has the ability to help people and i would like to be like him when y grow up.
one of the most important person in argentina would be diego armando maradona, the futball player because in the past he was very brave and did some things tah took him to the glory.
the liders in argentina are likely to be dishonest but liders are humans and the can commit mistakes.
i would like yo to be in touch with me, here is my e-mail:
nicole moiese, escuelas tecnicas ort sede belgrano. 6TOA GESTION 2009
A hero for me is someone that makes me feel proud of him because he makes something greatful and I don´t think that supernatural is something that exist and that becuase I think that a hero is a person with especial aptitudes but a person at least.
ResponderEliminarMelissa first of all a heroe is a person who has different characteristics that makes people admired him. Usually heroes are people who make things that make them braves, intelligent people, but a heroe is not perfect.
ResponderEliminarI don´t thing i am a heroe of other people, i think people like different things about me, but that doesn´t make me be a heroe.
Lucia Perlemute 6a ORT ARGENTINA
jenna, I answering your quiestion about, QUE ES UN HEROE PARA TI ?
ResponderEliminarthe concept of Hero you can relate yo several definitions:
1- person admired for his deeds and virtues.
2- person who carried out an heroic action.
3- main character in a literaly text or a movie plot.
4- son of god.
the Hero of the classical world or the world medieval is a model of the values that society understood as positive. in the Hero is to embody the virtues that men aspire to in every moment of history.
my name is Matias Milmar, 6°A gestion.
hi jenna
ResponderEliminarwell, first of all you wanted to answer the questions you make.
for me a hero is one person to whom everyone, want and are proud of what he or she do.
a hero to me is the singer Madonna, which has many followers and really does its job very well,each time she sings and moves so many people have very original songs which are the majority of the many attractions for the public.
i would like to be in touch
Melanie Donio
A hero is a man or a woman who is a role model to the society, people wants to be like him/her.
ResponderEliminarActions define a hero, not everibody can be one, you need to have some skills, respect for the other peolple.
Martin de Domini 6to Gestion A, Argentina
hi melisaa! an heroe for me is a person that can make incredible things and is a person who is admired in the society.
ResponderEliminarmy favourite heroe is Sarmiento because he is the father of the schools.
Heroes are intelligent people who use their greatful power to make surprising things.
to conclude, in my opinion i am not a heroe.
Elizabeth Koifman 6a
Jenna, answering to your question:
ResponderEliminarI believe that a heroe is the person who cares about others as much as they care about themselves or even more. However, to be a heroe, you must have a chance to prove it, otherwise you´ll be just like everybody else, because it´s not what you believe that makes you who you are, but what you do, when the right situation comes along.
Still, I´d like to think that everydoby has they´re chance sooner or later.
Luckily, all the people who run Argentina are heroes by this standards...NOT.
Sadly, Argentina is run by a bunch of corrupts selfless people, who instead of taking care of peoples needs, decide to build a bullet train instead of feeding the hungry.
The current commander in chief, is probably the worst of them, surely hope she´s impeached soon. Anyway, glad to answer your questions.
Cheers ;)
ResponderEliminar1) A hero can be Alejandro Magno
2) For my a hero is someone who doesn't only think for himself. Someone who obtain miracles in his campaign or projects.
3) I think that there not a person with more influence in our country today. There are small groups, this are the president, the expresidet, the group of businessman and the media.
4) The liders in Argentina are usually corrupt, as in every part of the world but they take more than what they make.
ResponderEliminar1- for me a hero is a person who carried out heroic actions, he is loved by all and is a character who is in fiction or in the real life.
2- a hero is very famous in Argentina Diego Maradona is the best soccer player in the history, and he won the world champions in 1986.
3- I do not think that I am a hero, because I am not a celebrity and i am not admired by all.
although, for example could be a hero to my family.
Alan Grunberg
ResponderEliminaranswering to your questions, I think that a hero is someone who represents the way you would like to be seen by the others. A hero is someone who has many cualities that you would like to copy or have. There are lots of heroes in argentina. They are considered heroes because of many different things. For example, we have Diego Maradona,who is (in my opinion) the best football player in history. Then we have for example San Martin, Sarmiento, Belgrano who were really important people in argentina's history. Finally, I would like to tell you that I'm not a hero.
Gabriel Setton, 6to GTA, ORT Argentina
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ResponderEliminarHi Melissa. I will answer your questions you asked about.
ResponderEliminarFor me a hero is a person, male or female, that do some thing with the mision of helping other people. Anyone can be a hero if that person helps other people for a noble cause.
There are many popular heroes in Argentina. I think that all the heroes here are people that in the past helped to make a better country with honest and respected people.
I really don`t think that i`m a hero for another persons, but it could be.
Franco Moretti 6ºA Gestion ORT Argentina
Andres Szmetan 6 GT B ORT Argentina
ResponderEliminarA hero of the current importance between(among) others is the fireman, because they risk his(her,your) life every day for the life saving ourselves, already it(he,she) can be for a fire, for which these caught in algun surround or for algun injures(injure). They always go and do the impossible thing for which we could go out of this "problem" and be nice.
Andres Szmetan 6 GT B ORT ARGENTINA
Dear Jenna,
ResponderEliminarDear Jenna,
When I think about a hero, I think of a person admired and acknowledged for his courageous and exceptional acts. These acts include activities in sports, political activities or even reaching an objective or a goal in their life.
A person that I consider a hero can be Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., he was an American clergyman, activist and prominent leader in the African-American civil rights movement. His main legacy was to secure progress on civil rights in the United States and he is frequently referenced as a human rights icon today.
Two of his most known mentions and acts were wining the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 to end racial segregation and racial discrimination and in 1963 where he delivered his I Have a Dream Speech.
He for me can me considered as a hero
Hey Katie,
ResponderEliminarI think that a hero for a person might not be a hero for someone else because you select your hero depending on your interests, beliefs, political reviews, etc. Since not much people share all these atributes, which is a good thing, everyone can have his own hero. I think that having the same heros with your friends its kind of not being yourself because when selecting your hero, which is a natural process where you dont investigate who can be yiour hero because he just appears, you do it without thinking of selecting it and you see in that hero different things so a person might be a hero for someone for a reason and for other its for another stuff that hero did. I dislike popularity in a hero, it feels like it's not an original hero, he just is commercial and that's why people see him as a hero. A popular hero might be someone that is admired because of what he does and thinks, everything done in the "ethical" way and for the people not for himself.
Hope you found it interesting,
Juan Francisco Lopez
6to Gestion A
Hi everyone!
ResponderEliminarMy name is Ronit and I'm going to answer Melissa's question.
In my opinion, a hero is someone who does something important for the well-being of the society. This person's qualities may be supernatural. People can be considered heroes because they have something special that set them apart from others when they want to achieve their goals. They take courage to face some situations that others can not.
For the second question, I believe that I don't have a hero here in Argentina. In fact, neither in the world. For me, those who can be considered heroes are people who helped and refuge jews, poles, homosexuals, children in the second war.
And for the last question, as Wendy said, I can be a hero for kids, but I don't consider myself someone who did important things to be a hero.
That's all!
I hope we keep in touch.
Ronit Lifman, 6toB Gestion, ORT ARGENTINA.
Hi Alexandra, I'm going to answer you second question:
ResponderEliminarThis metaphorical encounter with death represents an acceptance transcendence of one's own mortality. To this day, some forms of heroism require paying the final price; witch is sacrificing one's life. But we can also understand this as a heroe's willingness to accept any of the consequences of the heroic action, wether the sacrifices are considered as a physical or social threat.
Andrea Horsch 6to GTB, ORT Argentina