- Cual es tu idea de un heroe?
- Quien es tu heroe favorito y porque?
- Que es la dfferencia de un heroe y un idolo en tu opinion?
Colegio: West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North
- Richard Shen
1. Qué carateristicas hace a un líder bueno tiene que tener?
2. Por que los ídolos exsisten y las personas crean idolos?
3. Es posible para el héroe de una persona ser el villian de otra persona?
-Dan Titen
1.¿Quién es tu heroe?
2.¿Cuales son las cualidades que tu heroe debe tener?
3.¿Cuales son las características que tu buscas en un heroe?
- Dan Huang
1. ¿Cuales son las cualidades de un heroe?
2. ¿Cual es la diferencia entre un heroe y un lider?
3. ¿Quien es tu heroe y por que?
-Abishy Pandita
1) ¿Quién es su heroé?
2) ¿Cuales son los caracteristicas de un heroé?
3) ¿Cuales son los caracteristicas negativas en un heroé?
4) ¿Tu eres un heroé para otra persona?
-Daniel Hayduchok
1. ¿Cual es tu definicion de un heroe?
2. ¿Piensas que hay niveles o tipos diferentes de un heroe?
3. ¿Quien es tu heroe?
-Pooja Balwani
1. ¿Cual es tu opinion sobre un lider bueno?
2. ¿Conoces un lider en la historia que fue malo? ¿Porque?
3. ¿Tu tienes un idolo o lider en tu vida? ¿Quien es y porque?
-Kruti Rao
1. ¿Quien es tu idolo (en la vida real) y porque?
2. ¿Piensas que un atleta puede ser un lider tambien?
3. ¿Cuales son las caracteristicas de un heroe/ una heroina?
-Austin Chung
1. ¿Que es un heroe? Explique.
2. ¿Cual es una cualidad importante que todos los heroes necesitan?
3. ¿Quien es tu heroe y porque?
-Jarna Patel
1) ¿Cuales son algunas caracteristicas que los heroes, los lideres, y los idolos deben poseer?
2) En tu opinion ¿Crees que un heroe tiene que ser una persona famosa? ¿Por que o por que no?
3) ¿Quien es tu heroe? La persona necesita ser verdadera.
-Samantha Simon
En tu opinion, ¿que es un heroe?
Quien es tu heroe?
En tu opinion ¿cual es la diferencia entre un heroe y un idolo?
-Mark Warner
¿Como defines a un heroe?
¿Cuales son las caracteristicas de un heroe, idolo, o lider?
Cual es la diferencia entre los tres?
-Kathie Yang
1. ¿Cuando un lider o idolo no es bueno o correcto que necesitamos hacer para cambiar?
2. ¿Por que nosotros tenemos idolos?
3.¿Crees que la Madre Teresa es un heroe? ¿Por que?
-Jon Frias
1. ¿Cual es tu definicion de un heroe?
2.¿Cuales son las caracteristicas de un lider?
3.¿Quien es tu idolo y por que?
-Nikhil Mashettiwar
1.¿Por qué crees que los héroes hacen lo que hacen?
2.Los ídolos de nuestra sociedad son muy importantes. ¿Crees que los ídolos son importantes cuando los niños están creciendo?
3.¿Se puede aprender de los defectos de las personas que admiro?
My idea of a heroe is someone that has a special power or virtue that creates a sensation in society. Usually people admire heroes for a special reason or act that influences their minds and makes them believe on them.
ResponderEliminarMy favourite argentinian heroe is San Martin because he helped with the independence of countries like chile, peru and argentina.
The diference between an idol and a heroe is that the second one is more imaginarious, it could be an image, it is usually represented by an object and it has to be with the modern times, the present. I think that the heroe is an important person from the past.
I hope that this information can help you.
keep in touch
Julieta Alter 6ºC
hi, for me a hero is someone who has done something brave, new or good, and who is therefore greatly admired by a lot of people. also you can admire a hero for his or her particular quialities or skills.
ResponderEliminarfor me a great hero is anne frank, because despite being 13 years old she left us one of the most important source that describe us how she used to lived, and how much she suffer for being a jew. she is a hero for her bravery and for being the voice of six million people who couldn't explaining the suffer as good as she did.
for me the diference between idols and heroes is that idols are like the gods in the ancient history, or like a film or pop idol that is admired by their fans. on the other hand heroes are people that have made something special, something good or just something to be consider like that.
hope i cleared your doubts
jacqui berkenstadt 6 C
I think that a heroe is a person who makes an act in benefit to the rest of the peolple. And he carries act of benefits or solidary to the people who needs them or that they are waiting something from his part.
ResponderEliminar2) My favourite heroe is my family because i think tha them generate benefits in the day by day. I also think that thanks to them i feel myself and receive big benefits.
3) Well I think a hero is someone who has already make, makes them or that hi is going to make.
By the other side an idol doesnt't always makes acts, instead is just a person who we admire. An example can be a singer.
Milena Adjiman 6to C
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ResponderEliminarHi Evan, my name is Florencia.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, a hero is someone who did something important for the society.
His activity doesn't benefit himself, but it benefits the entire society.
An example could be a fireman who risks his life in order to save people from fires, or the soilders who defend their country in wars.
On the other hand, we have the idols. The difference is that they didn't changed anything significant in the society, they are common people who live their lifes but we admire them because of something they do (generally is related with their jobs). For example a good writer, a singer, or a member of our family.
In most of the cases, we want to be like our idols, but not necessarily as our heroes.
I hope to be in touch
Florencia Chab. 6to Gestion B
hi evan! I will answer the third question, for me the difference between a hero and an idol is that an idol is someone that you admire for some characteristics he possesses. Instead, a hero is someone recognized by a group of people, can be a culture a country or the world, for something very important that he has done, which surely has help many people in some way.
Sofia schaigorodsky. 6to Gestion B.
Hi Evan!!
ResponderEliminarHero is someone who is distinguished to the rest by their achievements and sacrifices. So hero is someone who sacrifices for others, to help. In my opinion, a hero is very diferent respect an idol. Because, idol is person who you admire or want to be and hero is someone who likes to help for another people.
Delfina DEltin, 6° Gestión B
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ResponderEliminarA hero is someone who cares about the people, about things that people demand (like in movies. Ex.: spiderman fight againts the thieves, etc.).
ResponderEliminarFor me the "necessity" to have a hero begins when people, citizens, need help, if any person can please that demand, for me, thats a hero
Santiago Guelerman, 6º Gestión B
Hi, my hero for me is someone who was done something too important, or has helped a lot to a group of people (maybe his community or simply his family) with a real though subject. For example, Maradona is known because of what he gave to our society, at the soccer area, and Favaloro, an Argentine cardiac surgeon who created the technique for coronary bypass surgery, is recognized thank to his work and dedication.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, my favourite hero is Domingo Sarmiento. He was born in 1811 and was particularly concerned with educational issues. Here, in Argentina, is now as "The Teacher", because he was the one who brought the schools to our country.
I think the main difference between hero and idol, is that a hero perdures with the time, but the idol is temporary. An example of this is American Idol, where the singers are called as Idols, but never as Heros.
Hi, my hero for me is someone who was done something too important, or has helped a lot to a group of people (maybe his community or simply his family) with a real though subject. For example, Maradona is known because of what he gave to our society, at the soccer area, and Favaloro, an Argentine cardiac surgeon who created the technique for coronary bypass surgery, is recognized thank to his work and dedication.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, my favourite hero is Domingo Sarmiento. He was born in 1811 and was particularly concerned with educational issues. Here, in Argentina, is now as "The Teacher", because he was the one who brought the schools to our country.
I think the main difference between hero and idol, is that a hero perdures with the time, but the idol is temporary. An example of this is American Idol, where the singers are called as Idols, but never as Heros.
Guido Barenboim. 6to. GTa.
Hi Evan, here I answer to your questions.
ResponderEliminarI think a hero is someone that stands out in the society or in a group for its objectives, acts, thoughts, creations and that creates a personal image that people remember, specially because it has a great ability o makes a specific action that no one else does .
I think that heroes are more related to a country, the whole world or a delimitated market segment (for example children or young people).
The difference I find within an idol is that idols are created personally. People individually find their own idols considering specific thing they like on other and would like to imitate on themselves. A hero would be consider as itself also because of the thing they have or do, but it is a general concept of a whole group and not a personal opinion.
In my opinion, heroes can be fictional for example superheroes as Superman, Batman, Spiderman and also real ones as politicians, artists, doctors. I think both categories can be considered when you think about your favorite one. The ones that are created by people also make specific actions which could be entertain and teach young people. Personally the heroes I most like are people that have talents to help society to improve and became better everyday. The most important ones into this group are the doctors. I make this election because I think that without being alive anyone can create things, can help society o can develop ideas. Doctors are my heroes because his only purpose is to take care to people. The most known ones, who invented medicines or other things to cure people, took years to investigate thousands of facts in order to help society.
Micaela Miodownik 6to GB ORT ARGENTINA
Hi Daniel Hayduchok
ResponderEliminarFor me an Hero is someone who does things im proud of.
Is an example of people I would like to turn on.
For example, a good soccer player or a good singer that does bad things is not my hero, I dont want to be like them.
The different types of heros you´ve got are the ones who had done good things to the world, for example Marthin Luter King, Nelson Mandela or Albert Einstein, then you have the ones you like what they does for example a famous guitarrist, or a band singer. Or you also could have for an hero a grandparent or your dad that have larned you lots of things about life.
In my case my hero is John Lennon, because I love his songs, the way he used to play them, and the way he used to sing them.
I also love his messages and all the causes for he was fighting, like the peace and the union of the people and the countries.
Martin Grinbaum 6to GC ORT ARGENTINA
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ResponderEliminarHello Pooja Balwani,
ResponderEliminarI think that a good leader is someone who is able to drive and guide a group of people, it doesn´t need to be a well intended person, he just needs to have a bunch of people who listen to what he has to say and obey or at least take into account what he said.
There are many bad leaders in history such us Adolf Hitler, who was very capable in the areas before mentioned, but as we all know, he wasn´t the best person.
I, particulary don´t have an idol, but I look up to many people to help me through out my life. Nevertheless, I don´t have one with whom I agree on everything.
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ResponderEliminarHi Ciara Schoenauer!
ResponderEliminarI hope that everything is fine, I think that a quality in common that all heroes should have is having the courage to defend what they believe and fight for it. But I don't think it's possible that everyone has the same person as a hero, because It is impossible that the whole world agree on a single thought.
Forgiveness for the English, I hope you understand what I mean. Kisses.
schaigorodsky sofia. 6° Gestion B
Hi Erica Fields!
ResponderEliminarHow are you? I hope well.
Okay Erica, for me a hero can perfectly be a normal person.
It could be somewone who makes thins to improve the world, who concerned about the contamination, about the animals, about the people.
Is a good natural person with good values.
I hope you understand me.
Good Luck!
Sofia Stempler Zonis 6to A Gestion
A hero is someone who did things or facts for the humanity and that things will be in the memory of the people.
ResponderEliminarThe heroes are good people, they have to be nice with the rest of the people.
My hero is Manuel Belgrano cause he made the flag of my country.
Brian Helueni 6TO A gestion.
Hi Kruti Rao
ResponderEliminarTalking about what you are asking, in the real life I don't have a hero who represents me beacause I haven't found it yet.
I think an athlete could be a hero for someone who love sports, for exaplme Messi can be a hero for Barcelona's fans
and also Kobe Bryant(in subject of NBA basketball)could be a hero too.
A hero is a person who represnts people about something he do. in general it's charismatic, smooth talker and
it highlights on what he do.
Brian Alt, 6º A Gestión
Austin Chung
ResponderEliminar1.a hero is someone who sacrifice itself to defend what it believes despite the possibles consequences that it's action can bring.
2.i think that honesty and moral are the two essential qualities that a hero have to have, without these qualities it's almost impossible to be a hero
3. my hero is Carlos Tévez because he proved that everything is possible just if you want to do it. he started his life with nothing, not even food but he train day by day very hard and he accomplished his dream and helped his family and gave them everything, and more, that they needed to survived.
federico extramiana, 6º A geestión
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ResponderEliminarA hero is someone who shows courage and calm when there is a trouble. A hero is someone ready to help others in many ways. Anyone can become a hero by doing something brave and difficult for others to carry out.
ResponderEliminarAlso a hero is a person who keeps himself loyal to his ideas and convictions. That is why I believe that Mahtma Ghandi is on of my favourite heroes. He was one great peaceful revolutionary of the XXth century,who kept a beaviour in accordance with his thoughts and strong convictions till his death.
Andrés Stanislavsky, 6º A Gestión
In my opinión hero is a person that for any reason either planned or not make unpredictable and amazing things that no one expected, not even the hero..
ResponderEliminarFor example its hard to believe that the best football team can lose to an average team. Maybe with the best of luck it can be a tie match, however when the effort of the weaker team its really high, and they feel motivated, they can beat even the best team of the world! And that’s a heroic act…
My favorite hero is Jorge Luis Borges. His stories is very interesting and fantastic.
ResponderEliminarHe was an Argentine writer and poet born in Buenos Aires.
Personally, I believe that the best works;
*A Personal Anthology
*The Book of Imaginary Beings
*Seven Nights
Ayelen Ruiz ´6 GTB´
Dear Nikhil,
ResponderEliminarIn reference to your question, I believe that heroes do what they do because they are born with a special capacity to help the others. They don’t think about the negative consequences that these actions can have for themselves when they take risks in order to benefit another person. Heroes also aren’t as afraid as ordinary people and they face their fears to do the right thing.
Ezequiel Glazman, 6º GTA
Dear Nikhil,
ResponderEliminarWhen our heroes or idols make mistakes, we may feel disappointed because we realize they are not perfect. However, then we can see that they are human beings and every man and woman can be wrong. As a consequence, we learn that if these exceptional people do great things but they also make mistakes we, who are not heroes, can also overcome our errors.
Ezequiel Glazman, 6º GTA
I think that each of us can be a hero. You don´t need super powers. Everyone can do something from your place.
ResponderEliminarAyelen Ruiz ´6 GTB´
¡Hola Martin Grimbaum!
ResponderEliminarGarcias por sus respuestas. En mi opinión, mi definición de un hereo es diferente de tu definición. Yo pienso que un heroe es solamente un persona que salva vidas o se arriesga su vida para otros. Por lo tanto, sólo hay un tipo de heroe. Hay extremos, pero todos los heroes necesita ajuntarse con la definición. En mi opinion, John Lennon no es un heroe. Yo pienso que el es un idolo or solamente tu cantante favorito. Yo estoy de acuerdo con tu en que Martin Luther King es un heroe porque hizo acciones heroicos. Mi heroe se llama Audie Murphy. El recibió la Medalla de Honor durante la Segundo Guerra Mundial, hizo muchos actos heroicos y salvió las vidas de todos sus compañeros en un batalla grande.
-Daniel Hayduchok
Dear Jon Frias,
ResponderEliminarin my opinion a hero is someone who has done somthing for the society, someone who cares about what people thinks, someone who helps people tha need help. All heores share some common traits. Heroes are those men tha inspire those around them. This men sacrifice when those around them step forward. They have the strenght of mind and will to carry on when all seems lost.
A leader is a person who guides others toward to a common goal, showing the way by example. In my opinion there are some qualities that a leader should have: Good listener - focused - organized - confident - team work and strenght.
An idol could be someone who is good at somthing, playing a sport, being a famous star, an actor, etc. I don't really have an idol, but i'am sure there are too much idols around this world.
best wishes Jon
Sebastian Perez 6to GT"A"
A hero is a person who realizes actions for the common good of the people, and not for his own benefit. It is a person who helps the people, without waiting for a remuneration in exchange, it helps because he feels it.
ResponderEliminarA leader must have a strong personality and must have a good way of relating to other persons.
It must be just and faithful.
There is a big difference between hero and idol.a person can be a hero without being my idol.
An idol is someone that you admire for different reasons
Nikhil Mashettiwar
ResponderEliminar1.I think the motive that makes the heroes act like that is because the are unhappy with the situation and the know that doing that they can change it, or collaborate with the cause.
2.I don't think is a necessity for kids who are growing up but it is good to be inspire by someone if they gives a positive message.
3.Yes, obviously because admire someone doesn't mean that he/she is prefect, they are humans too.
You can admire someone and dislike some things, nobody is perfect.
Well, I don't really have a defined hero, but if I have to choose one, I'd choose Domingo Sarmiento. I think that Sarmiento would be my personal hero because in his time, he opened countless schools, created free public libraries, opened immigration, and worked towards a Union of Plate States.
ResponderEliminarHis impact was not only on the world of education, but also on Argentine political and social structure.
I think that what he did in his life allowed people from Argentina to start studying, which is esencial for every nation in the world.
I really don't have a person who helps me with my problems, I manage to work out a solution to every problem that happen in my life.
In my opinion a hero is a person that, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, display courage and the will for self sacrifice for some greater good, originally of martial courage or excellence but extended to more general moral excellence.
Joaquin Salem, 6to GTA 2009
Hola Federico! Gracias por responder a mis preguntas. =)
ResponderEliminaryo estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que dice. Un heroe es una persona que se sacrifica mucho por el bien de otras. Tambien, ser honesto y tener las morales son cualidades muy importante.
Yo no se quien es Carlos Tevez pero el suena como una persona increible. =)
Yo estoy de acuerdo que un héroe es un persona que logrado algos muy importante para la sociedad o afecta personas personalmente, mientras un idolo es un persona que admiro y quiere ser mismo. Tambien estoy de acuerdo de Milena por que tenian un gran efecto en mi vida.