Colegio: West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North
-Denise Pyfrom
1. ¿Quienes son tus heroes favoritos en tu vida?
2. ¿Es importante tener un idolo en la vida?
3. ¿Quieres ser un idolo para otra persona? Por que?
-Allie Briffa
1. Un héroe en las películas tiene siempre cierta clase de energía estupenda o de 6to sentido. ¿Pero, la industria cinematográfica está representando incorrectamente a héroes?
2. ¿Si tu tuvieras que elegir a un héroe a partir de este último año, cual sería? ¿Por qué?
3. Los héroes tienen a menudo cualidades de ídolos y de líderes. ¿Pero un ídolo o un líder tiene siempre las mismas cualidades y características de héroes?
-Jackie Silva
1) ¿Que caracteristicas tienen los heroes?
2) ¿Quieres ser un idolo para otro persona?
3) ¿Quien es tu heroe? ¿Porque?
-Summaiya Rehman
1) ¿Cual piensas tu que es la diferencia entre un lider, un heroe, y un idolo?
2) ¿Hay una persona que es un idolo para tí?
3) ¿Cuales son las caracteristicas de un buen heroe?
-John Nabial
1. ¿Cual es la diferencia entre un heroe y un lider?
2. ¿Quien es tu heroe y por que?
3. ¿Piensas que un heroe tambien puede ser un lider? Por que?
-Greg Yang
¿Hay un héroe que te ha afectado personalmente?
¿Hay una persona que te ha inspirado a que seas un héroe?
¿Qué es más importante tener en el mundo: héroes, líderes, o ídolos?
-Greg Solak
1) En tu opinión ¿es necesario para la sociedad tener un lider?
2) ¿Que motiva tener un dictator para robar a todas las personas de sus derechos?
3) Durante de los últimos años de Augusto Pinochet, el dictador de Chile, ¿los chilenos no hicieron una revolución? ¿Porque no?
-Sal Ahmed
1. ¿Quien es tu heroe? ¿Porque?
2.¿Tienes mas de un heroe?
3.¿Cual es la diferencia entre un heroe y un idolo?
-Eric Scala
1.¿Cual es tu descripcion de un heroe?
2.¿Cual es la diferencia entre un heroe y una persona normal?
3.Un heroe necesita arriesgar su vida o no?
-Marissa Wiener
1. ¿Cuales son las caracteristicas de una lider?
2. ¿Quien es tu heroe? Por que?
3. ¿Qué es mas importante para sociedad? ¿Líderes o héroes?
-Nabil ALi
1) ¿Puede una persona ser un héroe a una persona, sino un villano a otro?
2) ¿Puedes nombrar un mal líder?
3) ¿Puede alguien ser un héroe, un líder, y un ídolo al mismo tiempo a alguien? ¿Puedes pensar un ejemplo?
-Colin Beirne
1. ¿Que es su héroe y por qué?
2. ¿En tu opinión, hace un héroe no necesita ser un líder?
3. ¿Cuál es el rasgo más importante de un héroe?
-Erika Fields
¿Creen que un heroe necesita ser famosa, o puede ser una persona normal?
¿En tu opinion, que es nescesario tener para ser un heroe?
¿Quienes son tus heroes favoritos?
-Sara Lieber
1. ¿En tu opinión, que es un heroe?
2. ¿Es importante para una persona tener un heroe?
3. En tu vida, ¿quien es tu heroe?
-Rachel Issa
1. ¿Quien es tu idolo y por que?
2. ¿Por que heroes e idolos son diferentes?
3. ¿Puede alguien ser un heroe anónimo o tiene que ser famoso? Explica por favor
-Chirstopher Avino
1) ¿Porque las personas necesitan un heroe en sus vidas?
2) ¿Que caracteristicas se necesitan para ser un heroe?
3) ¿Cual es la diferencia entre un heroe y un idolo?
-Colin Clark
1. ¿Qué características tiene un líder o un héroe?
2. ¿Qué cosas necesita hacer una persona para ser considerada un héroe?
3. ¿Por qué todas las personas en el mundo necesitan tener un héroe?
-Aakash Modi
1.Para ti, una persona ¿necesita arriesgar su vida para ser un héroe?
2.¿Quién es tu ídolo y héroe
3.¿Por qué tu ídolo es tu ídolo y no tu héroe?
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Denise Pyfrom
ResponderEliminar1- My favorites heroes are Diego Armando Maradona, Enzo Francescoli and my father, because I love playing football and I thing that they are the best players for me. And my dad is my inspiration.
2- I think that is important to have an idol in your life because is someone that inspired you in your life.
3- Yes, I would want to be an idol to someone because I think that I would be very satisfactory whit me, thats means that I made everything allright in my life.
Diego Buenos
6 "c" gestion
Denise Pyfrom
ResponderEliminarfirst of all, i can say that an idol for me is michael schumacher, who is one of the most famous drivers in the world. as you can imagine i love cars and especially the Formula 1.
secondly, on one hand to have an idol is very important because is someone who you admired an you consider him as an inspiration throughout your life, but on the other hand mostly you try to be like him and that may make you taking a bad decisions.
finally, i can tell you that i would like to be an idol for someone to transmit him the best things in life, and also make them think about their lifestyle.
Matias Faingold
6 C gestion
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ResponderEliminarJohn Nabial
ResponderEliminarI think the difference between a hero and a leader is that a hero is someone who makes unbealivables things like Superman, and a leader is someone who guides the rest of the people to a certain situacion or place.
I don't have now a hero but when i was a child my hero was superman.
I also think that a hero can be a leader if it guides the people to the correct place or situacion to better conditions
Ezequiel Szejman
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ResponderEliminargreg solak
ResponderEliminarin my opinion, a society develops only with the presence of leadership. This leadership may be inspired by a single person or more. Without this leadership, societies would not be able to make decitions because everyone would be aiming in a diferent direction.
As regards dictatorship, i can only tell you people here aren't motivated or encouraged by it. The thing is that the people have no option, dictatorship is laid upon them. The reason for it is that there's too much chaos and dictatos are supposed to "bring order".
Franco Dal Lago
Hi Summaiya Rehman!
ResponderEliminarabout your questions,
The first one; What is the difference between a hero and a leader? Hero is selected from among a group. Leader is selected by masses.
The second one; I don´t think we should have an idol, because we all human-beings and the term idol for a flesh-blood person isn´t good for me.
And the last one; A good hero should be an example of life, evereyone should have a hero, its a necesity, maybe could not be a famous person, it could be your dad, mum , brother..
Erika Fields.
ResponderEliminar1) What I actually think is that a heroe is a normal person in the most of the cases (except spiderman ;)
There are just a few famous heroes in my way of thinking..
2)What a heroe needs to be a heroe is being loyal, acting thinking in the rest and not just in his own person and have good causes or objective.
3)My heroes are the people who live around me, who help, teach and give the example.So it can be maybe from mumm and dad to a teacher or a friend.
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ResponderEliminarHello everyone who reads this post!
ResponderEliminarFirst of all, I'd like to tell you shortly about a comment of todays' CTS class, where someone said that HEROE in English didn't mean the same that in Spanish.
Actually, I disagree with that statement. I think that the person is the one who decides if a Heroe is someone like Claire Bennet (ha ha), or like one who beated a desease.
So I'll tell you what I think.
-Sara Lieber
1. ¿En tu opinión, que es un heroe?
2. ¿Es importante para una persona tener un heroe?
3. En tu vida, ¿quien es tu heroe?
1. In my opinion, a HEROE is someone that makes the difference. Someone who makes effort to approach a goal.
It's a woman who fights for her rights in the tough Africa, it's a girl who wins a tournament, it's that father who wakes up every morning to take his children to school, it's the one who found the cure for a desease, it's someone who struggles to bring bread to his home.
2. For sure, it's 100% important and necessary for someone to have a HEROE. Even more it's for a child or a teenager, a roleplay for it's life.
3. Who's my HEROE?
Hard to answer, but if you ask me the first persons that come to my mind are my mom and my dad. Every day they make me believe more in themselves as MY HEROES.
stumble, fall, get up, but take it easy cause we come to leave.
Come on!! start writing more questions!
I´ll answer Denise Pyfrom´s questions.
ResponderEliminarFirst I want to talk about my heroes and who they are. My idols are The Beatles. I like very much to listen to their music and watching documentaries about their story.
For me, having a heroe is escencial in our lives. They represent a way to follow.
Yes, I´d like to be a heroe but only for some people like my brother, it would be great that he saw me like an example.
Jonas Schuvaks.
Hello! I will answer Sara Lieber's questions.
ResponderEliminar1. ¿En tu opinión, que es un heroe?
In my opinion, an heroe is a person who helps people without a price. I mean, when someone bring help to other with some resort he have, and he don't expect to receive something.
2. ¿Es importante para una persona tener un heroe?
Yes, it's important to have one. Many people use the heroe like guide, the person who shows the correct way.
3. En tu vida, ¿quien es tu heroe?
I don't have an heroe in particullary, but i think all the people i love are, in some way my heroe.
Hope to write you soon. Bye !
Natasha Lewin, 6to B Gestion
hello i answer to the questions of sal ahmed.
ResponderEliminar1- my heroes are diego armando maradona and carlos tevez, because i love footbal and boca juniors, and they are very famous players of that team.
2-yes, my heroes are diego armando maradona and carlos tevez.
3- an hero is a person who make facts for humanity and an idol is a person who make things for the people that like him.
Hi denise!
ResponderEliminar3. My hero is Alexander The Great! The King of Macedon (300 B.C) He is an idol for me, because he conquered many empires as the Persian and places like India, and he was so young less than 33 years old, so what I admire about him is that he knew what he want, and how to do it. So he is my inspiration now.
2. No, absolutely not! You can be your hero! You don’t need to have someone to guide you, you can be what you want, and act how do you wanna, my idol is Alexander, but without him my life is the same.
3. Well I would love it! But not for nothing. You have to “shine”, I hope that one day I would be someone that inspires future generations!
Zelda Tenembaum Ber
hi -Aakash Modi, i am going to answer your question. First of all, i want to say that it is a pleasure to talk to you. For me it is not necessary. I havent got a hero, because i dont belive in them. I think maybe God is somethig similar.
ResponderEliminarI want to clarify something. A hero is someone who did something for the other people, and an Idol is someone who people admires and thinks he/she is special.
Laura Gewerc 6° "A"
Nowadays we are struggling with problems and opportunities never faced before like climate change, global terrorism and a globalize economy. In previous generations, the values of a society were often personified in the heroic actions of individuals, and the actions of heroes were also used as a way of preserving and teaching these values to young people. These individuals are often viewed as being larger than life. Because their achievements seem somehow superhuman, they represent actions beyond what can be expected of a common person.
ResponderEliminarI suggest that we are all potential heroes waiting for a moment in life to perform a heroic action. The decision to act heroically is a choice that many of us can make at some point in our lives.By picturing heroism as an attribute of human nature, not as a rare feature of a few superhuman figures, heroism becomes something that seems possible for every person.
Andrea Horsch 6to GTB
Sara Lieber I want to answer you:
ResponderEliminar1) In my opinion a hero is a person who makes or who has made a heroic act, what I mean with this is that this kind of people gives a positive message with an action and gives strength to other people by this.
2) For me, is no important to have one, you could be inspire with same people by their acts but the real strength comes from you.
3) i don't really have a hero but I'm inspire with some people like my mum, it sounds silly but I think she gives her love for all the things she does and I hope some day I could became the mum she is for me.
Michelle kesselman 6to GTB
Querida Michelle,
ResponderEliminarEstoy de acuerdo para tu opinion de que es un heroe. Tambien yo pienso que un heroe es una persona que cometer acciones que ayudan otros y es una persona muy fuerte fisicamente y emocionalmente. Para tu respuesta de que es tu heroe, tambien mi madre es una persona que yo pienso es similar de un heroe. Mi mama es muy importante en mi vida tambien.
Hola Natasha.
ResponderEliminarYo pensé que su comentario sobre un héroe el ser alguien que no tiene un precio era fresco. En mi opinión un héroe no tiene que ser famoso tampoco.Mi pregunta es si usted fuera un héroe cómo usted querría influencia a gente? Gracias Natasha Lewin!
Allie Briffa - Spanish 3
Hola Diego Buenos.
ResponderEliminar¿Qué posición en fútbol es usted?
¿Qué es su equipo favorito de fútbol? Me gusta los equipos de Juventus y AC Milan.
-Hugo A
Hi Summaiya, I will answer to your questions:
ResponderEliminar1) ¿Cual piensas tu que es la diferencia entre un lider, un heroe, y un idolo?
I think that the difference is that a leader is a person that other people follow. There are leaders in a group of friends, in a business, etc.
A hero is someone who did an heroic act, and we recognize him because of that.
An idol is someone that we admire for what he did in his life, and many times we want to be like him.
2) ¿Hay una persona que es un idolo para tí?
I dont have a specifil idol now, but I like many singers or actors like Julia Roberts.
3) ¿Cuales son las caracteristicas de un buen heroe?
A hero has to be corageous, intelligent, solidary, humble and strong.
Thats all, bye!
Florencia Chab
6to B